Dental Solutions

Gingivitis Treatment: Fighting Gum Disease

Jul 23, 2018 @ 04:05 PM — by William Stofer
Tagged with: Gum Disease General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Gingivitis is the earliest stage of periodontal disease, which is the bacterial infection of your gum tissue. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 47.2 percent of all American adults age 30 or older suffer from some form of gum disease. Thankfully there are plenty of treatments out there.

The team at our Warsaw, IN dental care center would like to go over the different treatment options available for gingivitis. Since it’s the first indication of gum disease, it can usually be addressed through a combination of at-home and in-office procedures.

Signs and Symptoms of Gingivitis

The first stage of gum disease tends to have the following common signs and symptoms:

Your dentist will be able to spot these problems during a routine checkup at the practice.

Preventing Further Progress of Gum Disease

The primary goal when treating gingivitis is to get the initial infection under control and prevent the progression of your gingivitis into a more advanced form of gum disease, such as periodontitis or advanced periodontitis. These later stages of gum disease do more damage and require more extensive treatment.

Use an Anti-Bacterial Toothpaste

When the first signs of gingivitis appear, you can take a progressive stance by practicing good oral hygiene. Find an antibacterial toothpaste at your local grocery store or drug store. This will help keep that harmful bacteria under control.

Use an Anti-Bacterial Mouthwash

In addition to using an anti-bacterial toothpaste, an anti-bacterial mouthwash is also a major help. Be sure to use this mouthwash at least once a night to help keep oral bacteria under control and treat the gum disease at its earliest stage.

Brush Your Teeth More Often

Fighting gum disease at home means keeping your mouth extra clean just to be on the safe side. Try to brush your teeth after every meal if possible. This helps keep the oral bacteria in check and also helps fight tooth decay. If brushing after every meal is not possible, try to brush your teeth at least three times a day—morning, afternoon, and before bedtime.

Floss Your Teeth More Often

Dentists recommend that patients floss at least once a day. Extra flossing can be just as beneficial for fighting gum disease as brushing more frequently. Consider flossing after every meal, or at least two times a day—in the afternoon and before bedtime.

Professional Dental Cleanings

Your at-home oral hygiene will help dentists with their in-office case. A routine dental cleaning is often the first part of a gingivitis treatment plan. The electric toothbrush and other tools used by your dentist is far more effective at cleaning hard-to-reach places.

Prescription Antiseptic Mouthwashes

Over-the-counter mouthwashes may not be enough to fight the bacteria that caused gingivitis. In such cases, the ideal option is the use of a prescription mouthwash. This prescription-strength mouthwash will do a much better job of eliminating oral bacteria and bringing your gum disease under control.

Root Planing and Scaling

Root planing and scaling is a type of deep cleaning that removes plaque and tartar buildup around the teeth and gumline. By removing this caked on dental calculus, your teeth will be smoother, healthier, and less prone to tooth decay and gum disease. Combining all of the above measures should effectively treat your case of gingivitis, and continued at-home care will help prevent further instances of gum disease.

Learn More About Treating Gum Disease

For more information about treating gum disease and enhancing you overall dental health, be sure to contact the dentists of Dental Solutions. We will help you experience healthier teeth and gums, and provide information on good at-home care.